Youth Spotlight: Melvin

Meet Melvin.
Melvin entered foster care in March of 2015. A few months after coming into care, he began participating with Project LIFE by attending youth events and activities. Melvin has been an active participant in the Youth Network, Youth M.O.V.E., and attended the Statewide Youth Conference in May. In his free time, Melvin says he enjoys volunteering at the Children’s Museum and traveling.
When asked about his plans for the future, he said that he hopes to attend a four-year university, and major in Education with a minor in Criminal Justice. His goal is to be an English teacher, and one day work at the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
We asked Melvin to share why he enjoys being involved with Project LIFE, and he said, “It allows you to connect with people who may share the same story as you, and to bond with people who come from a different background”. He continued by saying, “Being involved with Project LIFE gives you an opportunity to have a voice, and to have others listen and be there for you. Project LIFE tries to meet your needs and be that support system for you when you feel as if nobody is behind you. It also gives you an outlet to be free and feel like yourself”.
His advice to other youth who are in foster care is: “Keep pushing, and if things seem dim now, there is light at the end of the tunnel, so don’t give up”.
Melvin always strives to be a positive role model for his peers by pursuing different leadership opportunities and maintaining a positive attitude, and he was even named Youth of the Year for the Boys and Girls Club.
We are so proud of you, Melvin, and we know this is just the beginning of your success. Keep up the good work, and don’t stop chasing your dreams.