Piedmont Region
Albemarle | Alleghany- Covington | Amherst | Appomattox | Bath | Bedford | Botetourt | Campbell | Charlotte | Charlottesville | Craig | Danville | Franklin | Halifax | Henry-Martinsville | Highland | Lynchburg | Mecklenburg | Pittsylvania | Roanoke City | Roanoke County-Salem | Rockbridge/Buena Vista/Lexington | Shenandoah Valley
Regional Contact

Cierra Emory-Clegg
434.846.2002 x1176 | cemory-clegg@umfs.org
Although new to UMFS, Cierra has worked with all ages of foster care youth throughout her years at Virginia Department of Social Services. Cierra was able to work alongside local foster families, therapeutic agencies and various service providers to ensure the youth on her caseload received the care they deserved. Cierra believes in encouraging youth to be advocates for themselves and helping their voice be heard is of utmost importance.
Regional Events
List of top events
Statewide VDSS Check Ins
VirtualThese check-in calls are open to all DSS agencies to discuss independent living needs and updates with the VDSS IL team's Letha Moore-Jones and Monica Cabell. They will start on...
Regional Blog
Lynchburg Office Open House
January 26, 2024 2-6pm