12 events found.
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Statewide VDSS Check Ins
VirtualThese check-in calls are open to all DSS agencies to discuss independent living needs and updates with the VDSS IL team's Letha Moore-Jones and Monica Cabell. They will start on...
Canceled Job Readiness Workshop
Bedford DSS 119 East Main Street, Bedford, VA, United StatesPostponed Piedmont Responsible Parenting
1510 Williamson Road NE Roanoke, VA 1510 Williamson Road NE, Roanoke, VirginiaPostponed “Love Haven”
UMFS Richmond, CHS auditorium 3900 West Broad Street, Richmond, VirginiaMechatronics workshop with Germanna Community College STEM Program
Germanna Community College 1000 Germanna Point Drive, Fredericksburg, VA, United StatesPiedmont Healthy Relationships Workshop
1600 5th Street Suite A, Charlottesville, VA, United StatesMommy Chat
Hampton Public Library 4207 Victoria Blvd, Hampton, VirginiaInfo Sessions with the Voices Group
815 Baker Road 815 Baker Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United StatesSelf-care, resilience, problem solving, and more!