Education after high school can help you find all sorts of new possibilities. High school is only the start.

ETV and Financial Aid

The Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program assists eligible foster care and adopted teens or young adults with post-secondary education and training expenses. It is designed to help teens or young adults aging out of foster care with the education, training and services needed for employment. + Learn more

Cost does not have to be an obstacle to furthering their education. Youth can get financial aid from schools by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and sending it to each school they are considering attending. They may also qualify for particular scholarships, based on ethnic heritage, interests, or disabilities. Scholarships are also available from local groups, such as the Rotary Club or Kiwanis. Youth should check with school counselors as well as search online to find out what’s available for them.

Your Education

What do community colleges offer?

  • Affordability: The average cost of attending public community college in Virginia is approximately $4,080 for two semesters of full-time study or about 37% of the average in-state tuition and fees at Virginia’s public universities. Basic courses needed for a four-degree can be taken at community college. When you complete the basics, you can transfer to the four-year college for the advanced courses. This allows you to get the basics at a lower cost but still get your four-year degree.
  • Some public universities give priority admission to students who graduate from community colleges in the same state.
  • Preparation for transfer to four-year college or university. You can learn more about what interests you as well as improve your basic skills. For example, community college can help you improve your math and English skills so you can pass the exams to get into a four-year college.
  • Training for careers that require two-year Certification programs for entry-level positions, such as medical or legal assistant.
  • A range of noncredit programs, such as English as a second language, community enrichment programs, and cultural activities that help you learn more about things that interest you, make new friends and become part of a community.

More Resources: More about Community College; Great Expectations; Virginia’s Community colleges

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